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Middle East
Information Agency
A resource for journalists worldwide seeking to report on news from Israel, the Middle East Information Agency provides a platform for foreign journalists reporting on news in Israel, as well as personalities and events in the region. Our mission is to provide reliable and timely access for journalists reporting on all aspects of Israel, from politics and business, to culture, medicine, technology and society.


Providing Access To
Newsmakers In Israel
Journalists worldwide turn to the Middle East Information Agency to set up interviews with key newsmakers throughout Israel. We deliver access to the most sought after personalities in politics, military affairs, business, medicine, technology and start-ups.
Assisting Journalists Reporting On Israel
Scheduling interviews with Israeli newsmakers
Providing audio and video feeds
Access to politicians, academics, military leaders, science, business and government officials
News: political, medical, scientific, military, water, technology, business, agriculture, start-ups

The Single Resource For Journalists Reporting
on Israel
To report on news from Israel, reach out to the Middle East Information Agency as your single resource to contact newsmakers, schedule interviews, providing raw video, photographs and text, along with accompanying audio.